Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)

Some of Bob's articles on the subject of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). Bob is the 1997 LIMS Awardee from the LIMS Institute based in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Bob also edited the first book on the subject in 1987.

One of the world's leading experts on the subject, Bob has written many articles on the subject and is the 1997 LIMS Awardee from the LIMS Institute based in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Bob also edited the first book on the subject in 1987.

LIMS Matrix

The LIMS matrix is a simple way of visualising your current (if replacing it) and future LIMS environment. It balances the need for automating the laboratory and the organisation.

LIMS Series For LC-GC

A three part series for Questions of Quality on LIMS covering giving an overview, how a project should be run and the involvement of the users.

General LIMS Articles

Written by Bob for his V&V column in Scientific Data Management there are two papers that cover barcodes and interfaces to and from a LIMS.

Managing The Risk Of LIMS And Automation Projects

Risk Assessment and Risk Management Of LIMS And Automation Projects.